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Secure Password Generator

Passwords produced on this page are generated when the page is accessed, never stored, and creating using a cryptographically-secure random number generator.

Password-12: itxEqrc9RMM5

Bit strength: 71.45
Combinations: 3.23 x 10^21
Years to crack*: 292
Utility: typical web sites

Password-12 (special characters): Q(_+K5$^!{pW

Bit strength: 78.46
Combinations: 4.19 x 10^23
Years to crack*: 37920
Utility: typical web sites

Password-14: E4XRHwxYHeySYK

Bit strength: 83.36
Combinations: 1.24 x 10^25
Years to crack*: 1.12 million
Utility: web sites needing a little more security

Password-16: gCvFLI2JHXl1m604

Bit strength: 95.27
Combinations: 4.77 x 10^28
Years to crack*: 4.3 billion
Utility: sites needing even more security (e.g., bank accounts)

Password-43: ix2AoRP23zfIHS86HluL8SVSZidfftyhh18IP7NJdA9

Bit strength: 256
Combinations: 1.18 x 10^77
Years to crack*: 1.07x10^58 years
Utility: AES Crypt, highly secure data

Password-64: mgPjRy9ZlaYDt558Z7IQu8eZL5jox3xZhkJX7M5QiNU9oZgIq2k4KmrMor6HObMc

Bit strength: 381
Combinations: 5.16 x 10^114
Years to crack*: 4.68x10^95 years
Utility: AES Crypt, highly secure data

* The "years to crack" values assume one is using a password cracking tool that can crack passwords at a rate of 350 billion passwords per second. Per this CNET article, that was the rate at which passwords could be cracked by high-end dedicated password cracking devices as of 2012. It is important to remember that, there may be devices that can work at higher speeds and any number of devices may operate in parallel to achieve higher performance.

Use the Password Generator as a Web Service

If you wish to use the Password Generator as a web service, you may pass an Accept header via HTTP specifying the media type, or you may pass an "f" parameter to indicate that you want plain text, XML, or JSON.

More Information

If you want code that will generate passwords similar to how this web page creates passwords, you can download the pwgen utility. On that page, you will also find more details behind the math used.

External Links

Several sites can check the strength of your password:

Warning: While the following tools are interesting for understanding password strength, never enter a real password on any site.